


2023年10月28日 09:37  点击:[]

报告题目:Why Do Chinese Banks Issue Write-down Bonds?

报告人: 郭艳红 博士(南方科技大学)

时间:2023年10月28日 14:30—15:30

地点:大玩家彩票 第一会议室(A北307


This lecture investigates the factors influencing the issuance decision and quantity of write-down bonds (WD bonds) for banks using Chinese WD bonds data. Empirical results indicates that both the Tier 2 capital adequacy ratio and banks’ non-performing loan ratios influence the issuance decision of Chinese WD bonds. A lower capital adequacy ratio and non-performing loan ratio prompt banks to issue WD bonds to replenish their capital. Regarding the issuance quantity of WD bonds, the non-performing loan ratio, Tier 2 capital adequacy ratio, and macroeconomic situation are influential. A lower non-performing loan ratio and Tier 2 capital adequacy ratio both increase the issuance quantity of WD bonds. Additionally, macro variables negatively impact the issuance quantity. We further examine the influence of other additional Tier 1 capital replenishment instruments on the issuance of WD bonds and find that the issuance of preferred stocks provides an alternative means for bank managers to replenish the Tier 2 capital adequacy ratio. Our research contributes to the regulation of WD bonds and risk management within Chinese banks.






上一条:10月30日黄俊钦博士学术讲座通知 下一条:10月28日温敏瑢博士、董彩婷博士学术讲座通知


CopyRight ? 2009 School of Management,GDUT. 大玩家彩票 大玩家彩票

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